This Is Why Most Music Producers Are Men

The music industry has seen an increase in the number of women who have begun to dominate the industry with their fair amount of hit singles. And the number of women performers in the music industry has increased over the last few decades.

However, this shift has not been seen when it comes to music producers, meaning the music industry is still very male-dominated.

While the number of female performers and songwriters has increased over the years, there has not been an increase in women being producers leaving this area to still be male-dominated. While many factors are keeping women from reaching the rank of music producer, one primary factor is the lack of promoting women to this role.

Continue reading to learn the reasons why men make up 98% of music producers. Also, continue reading to learn more about the male-dominated music industry and female music producers.

Why Are Most Music Producers Men?

The main reason it is difficult for women to find their footing as music producers have to do with elements of sexism and the ideas of gender roles.

According to Susan Rogers, who was a one-time studio engineer for Prince and is now an associate professor in Boston at the Berklee College of Music, women are faced with a “boys’ club or guild mentality” when trying to enter the music production field.

This mentality keeps women from being able to find their footing in the field and does not allow for many women to be promoted to the rank of music producer.

The men in the field tend to keep the women in more of a backseat role where they are still able to work, but they are not put in the same role as their male counterparts.

Why Is the Music Industry Male-Dominated?

It was revealed in 2018 that 98% of music producers in the United States are men, and only 2% are women. This is a trend that stems from when it was common for men to work outside the home while women were left to care for the home and children.

Women and time have moved on from this older way of life, but you can still find the remnants from this still lingering today, such as in the music industry. 

Some of the barriers that tend to keep women from achieving these higher-ranked positions include:

  • Financial instability
  • Difficulties navigating the industry
  • Discounted skills and abilities
  • Being stereotyped and sexualized

These barriers are the main reasons why women are unable to reach the position of music producer when they work in the field of music production.

The final barrier proves to be a very damaging one as it is what allows the men in the music production field to keep their female coworkers and employees from reaching a higher rank in the field.

Female Music Producers

While the music industry presents itself as male-dominated, some women have worked to become music producers. Some female music performers who have taken the job of producing some of their own music are:

  • Janet Jackson
  • Sheryl Crow
  • Lauryn Hill

While these women have done work to produce some of their own albums, other women have worked to become music producers of other people’s work (not their own) in the male-dominated music production field.

Not already having an artist’s clout, and coming up through the ranks the “hard” way, they still rose to the top of the game. Some of these women are:

  • Sylvia Massy
  • Suzanne Ciani
  • Sylvia Robinson
  • Sonia Pottinger
  • Catherine Marks

While none of these women have become “household names,” their work in the field of music production helps to prove that women can become music producers despite the challenges they may face.

Final Thoughts

Despite the increase in the number of female music performers, there is still a strong male presence when it comes to music production. 98% of music producers are male, while only 2% are women.

This proportion stems from the way life was when men worked outside the home, and women mainly cared for the home and children.

Barriers such as financial instability, discounting of skills and abilities, and stereotypes keep women from being able to reach the same ranks as some male music producers.

Although the music production field has remained male-dominated, there have been women who have worked their way into becoming music producers.