Is Music Production Hard? (Let’s Find Out)

There are many misconceptions about the music production industry. Some people think that it’s too hard to become successful in this field, while others believe that anyone can do it. So, is music production hard?

Music production is hard and can be a difficult career to get into. There are many moving parts and it’s hard to know where to start. Often music production is seen as an easy option, but it takes time and effort to become good at this profession. 

In this article, we will go over the basics of what you need for a career in music production, how much time it takes to learn everything, and some tips on getting started. Keep reading to learn more on why music production can be a difficult field to break into.

Is Music Production Difficult?

Music production is difficult. It requires you to build a new skillset, just like any other creative pursuit. This is a large reason why people who try to make it as music producers, fail. They do not understand the amount of work and time required for this profession and only focus on small goals they can easily accomplish. 

To be a music producer you need an understanding of the following:

  • Music Theory – A large part of making music is how you piece together different elements or musical phrases. You need to learn chord progressions, scales, intervals and know the difference between these concepts. All producers need to understand pitch, rhythm, and timing. Understanding music theory can help them write better songs by knowing what works together best.
  • Recording – This one seems obvious, but many people overlook this skill when they first start out on their journey as a producer. Knowing how to record sounds and overlap music is important to the job. 
  • Mixing and Mastering – This is where you work on the volume, EQ, and compression of a song or track. You can also add effects to your tracks such as reverb, delay echo, and more. 
  • Songwriting – A good music producer needs to be able to write their own songs so they know what elements will complement each other. Songwriting can be difficult to master by itself, and some of the more well-established producers can get away with not songwriting. 
  • Business Skills – The work of a producer is not just about making great tunes; they also must be able to sell their tracks to labels or other companies for use in advertisements

If you want to produce music you have a long road ahead of you before you will start making money. The easiest way is to produce free tracks while working to get your name out there for advertising and marketing firms to pick you up. Commercials are a fast and easy way to add credits to your CV. 

Is Music Production a Good Career? 

Music production is a very rewarding career as you can see your ideas come to life, and it’s also one of the most fun jobs out there! It can be a wonderful career, but it takes a lot of time and effort to break into the industry and make money. 

As a music producer, you are competing with some of the biggest names in music and you need to stand apart. It can be difficult to develop your sound without any client base and building a client base takes lots of time.

You can be creative in different ways by writing songs for other artists, scoring films or advertisements. Another way to be creative is to create sample packs and sell them online. This is a great way to bolster your finances while you are waiting on other gigs.

If you’re looking into becoming a music producer your best bet is to start out producing tracks for free so people can hear the quality of your work. If nobody knows who you are it can be difficult to make any money. 

As a music producer, you also must be willing to self-promote and talk to people about your craft. The only way your name will get out there is by you putting it out there. 

In Summary: Music Production Is Hard

Music production is difficult. You must be willing to get your hands dirty and create a lot of samples. 

You must be willing to spend hours in front of the computer tweaking things until you find something that sounds right. But it’s also rewarding because if you produce successful music, you will hear it on the radio, in advertisements, and more! 

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