Do Music Producers Need Music Theory To Be Successful?

There is a lot more to being a music producer than simply sitting in a booth, making beats, and listening to music all day. If you are considering a position in music production you may be wondering if you need to know music theory in order to be successful. 

Music theory may not be required to be a music producer but it can excel and make for an easier time creating better music.

Lacking knowledge of music theory can: 

  • Slow your ability to create a diverse range of music 
  • Create a communication barrier with professionally trained musicians
  • Make the writing and mixing process more difficult

For more information on whether or not you need music theory to become a successful music producer continue reading.

To Learn Music Theory Or Not? The Great Musical Debate 

There is a debate among musicians as to whether or not music theory is necessary for a music producer to be successful. 

Whether they are professionally trained or self-taught, many musicians and producers butt heads on the topic. 

Many say that music theory knowledge is not necessary because some musical artists have made it big without it. Although it is true that, a small selection of people have risen to the top without music theory.

Additionally, not only does it make communication easier if everyone knows some music theory, it will make creating music easier!

How Is Music Theory Beneficial To Music Producers?

Knowing the theory is not necessarily a requirement that you have a good understanding of music theory if you want to pursue a career in music production but it can set you apart from those who don’t have it and help you to flourish in whatever music genre you choose.

Fundamentals Are the Foundation for Success

When building a house you begin from the ground and work your way up. The same goes for music or anything else in life. 

You need to start at the beginning and learn the fundamentals before you can excel and become an expert; as the old saying goes, “you need to walk before you run”.

It’s important to have a clear understanding of music theory so you can build a strong musical foundation that will take you to the next level.

Communication Is Key

If you are a music producer and you lack the music theory that a professionally trained musician has, it can become difficult to communicate and get your point across to one another. 

If you cannot speak their language the arrangement will never work or at the very least it will take much longer than if you had taken some music theory classes. 

Knowing musical terminology will make it much easier for you and the musicians to get through a session which also gives you a positive reputation as someone who is knowledgeable, efficient, and easy to work with.

Helps With Writing Music and Solving Problems 

Another reason a music producer needs music theory to be successful is that it teaches you notes and chords and how they work together.

It helps you when you are writing new music or solving issues with existing music.

A very cool video demonstrating what knowing more can do for you!

Knowing music theory can help you to structure a song in the best way possible and write strong baselines along with harmonious melodies.

Redundancy Shortens Music Production Careers 

Learning music theory offers the ultimate benefit of versatility. A music producer who does not have a broad range of musical theory knowledge will often find themselves falling into a rut. 

After a while, everything they produce sounds similar to the point where you may get songs confused or simply become bored and move on to the next big thing. Having a wide musical palette can give you an edge over many other producers who may not be as well versed as you.

Opening your mind to other genres or styles of playing and recording will also help you to stay fresh and keep a rut from forming. Music needs to strike people emotionally or it will be quickly forgotten. That is why it is so important to know as much about music theory as possible.

Final Thoughts

Although many find music theory to be boring because there is a lot of memorization and rules to follow once the knowledge has been acquired it proves to be a valuable asset.

Basics can be Boring but so is falling Into a rut.

If you are passionate about becoming a successful music producer, don’t be lazy and skip out on music theory, it can open your eyes and ears to a whole new world.