There are a lot of plugins out there and whether you’re just starting out or have been in the industry for a while these are the plugins you’ll find in almost every producer arsenal – and for good reason!
This isn’t a free list (check out my favorite free plugins here), but it may save you money in the long run by buying the top plugins available.
Here are 11 plugins that every music producer needs:
XLN Audio RC-20 Retro Color
The RC-20 is a multi-effects plugin created by XLN Audio. It’s was made to add life and texture through various saturation models (tube, tape, transformers, etc.), flutter/wobble effects, reverb, noise, and even dropouts.

The RC-20 is the GOAT in the plugin world – you can watch any producer on YouTube and see the RC-20 being used somewhere in the mix.
Whether it’s adding depth to a sound, warmth to an instrument, or mastering your track to sound like a vintage record, the RC-20 is a must-have!
Knock (by DECAP)
Knock is a multi-effects drum enhancer plugin made by the sound designer, artist, extraordinaire DECAP. It’s basically the RC-20 for drums!

It can make your drums stand out in the mix by adding an array of effects to them: compression, saturation, sub-frequencies, top-end, soft/hard clipping, and additional tone/EQ options.
It’s a simple plugin to use and instead of using 3-4 plugins you can use Knock to achieve the same effect.
Antares Autotune
Antares Autotune is the autotune used in the industry. It’s easy to use and sounds amazing – either as a transparent pitch correction tool or full-out T-Pain (hah!).

If you’re going to get an autotune this is the one to get and the one to practice with if you’re going to record other artists.
You may be thinking, I don’t sing or rap and have no intentions of doing so.. well, this plugin will change your mind. It’ll get you out of your comfort zone and into the zone. Check out this if you’re not convinced!
Sonible Smart:Limit
Sonible Smart:Limit is a transparent limiter plugin that really allows your mix to breathe. Additionally, it utilizes A.I. to analyze your signal and adjust its levels.

But wait, there’s more!
It includes an internal LUFS meter for all major streaming platforms, including YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, to name a few. And finally, it has a few internal tone-shaping features that can give your track that extra edge.
Oeksound Soothe 2
Soothe 2 is a plugin that reduces problematic resonances in real-time. From harsh high end or boomy low end, it can help make your track sound good!

If you’re like me you’re used to cutting those frequencies out using EQ taking the sacrifice in tone, even though it might be only sections of the song with those harsh sounds occurring.
With Soothe 2, you can apply those cuts in those frequencies and it’ll detect when they are a problem and lower the sound at that moment – it’s fantastic!
Cableguys HalfTime
Cableguys Halftime is a simple yet creative tool that slows down your music to, well, half time (it’s similar to using the 1/2 speed in Gross Beat). HalfTime also gives two additional modes that can add a swing or shuffle to the track or a harmonic vibe.

It’s a great tool to give your track or loop a new feel and sound and can open up many new creative ideas.
Sugar Bytes Effectrix
Effectrix is a glitch sequencer plugin that allows you to enabled up to 16 different effects monetary via a MIDI controller (and yes this could be just a computer keyboard or clicking the virtual one in the plugin).

Whether you’re putting this on a single instrument or your entire track, it can be a lot of fun to bring in and out different effects to add an entirely new flavor to your song!
Plugin Boutique Scalar 2
Scalar 2 is a chord creator that comes with many premade chord progressions and sounds that can be used! It’s a great tool to help you get out of beat block or writer’s block by giving you stunning chord progressions without needing to know the theory.

Turn a C note into a full eight-key Cmaj7 chord and not have to think what chord would sound great after since you could then press your E note for it to play an amazing sounding, complimentary, Em chord.
And, even if you don’t use it for the chord generation, it has great sound VSTs, from piano to pads!
Xfer Records OTT
OTT is a simple, free, multiband upwards/downwards compressor. It’s simple to use and it’s perfect for making your instruments punch through the mix.

Any electronic or dubstep producers need to have this in their arsenal of plugins.
And, even if you don’t create music in those genres, get this and you will find a use case for it, I like putting it on instruments that are lacking top-end or making my kick punch a little harder.
There are many multi-instrument VST plugins available; however, these are the go-to’s and many producers have both as they each have their own flavor of sounds.
- Spectrasonics Omnisphere
- Native Instruments Komplete
These are expensive, so choose the one that best matches the sounds you’re looking for!
Spectrasonics Omnisphere
Omnisohere is a massive sound library VST and that’s an understatement! It is used everywhere in the music industry and chances are one of the top 25 hip-hop songs of the year probably uses a sound from Omnisphere!

It contains over 14000 sounds, 50+ effects, and so many more features; so you can be sure to get your creative juices flowing.
Native Instruments Kontact Komplete
Kontact Komplete is another massive sound library containing over 36000 unique sampled instruments and sounds for any genre. Additionally, buying the Komplete version comes with Guitar Rig Pro, so if you’re a guitar player too, this may be the one you check out first!

Komplete comes with so many different instrument sounds and if you’re into getting realistic instrument sounds this may be the VST for you. Drums, basses, guitars, pianos, strings, the list goes on!
Honorable Mention: Spitfire Audio LABS (+BBC Orchestra)
I had to mention Spitfire Audio LABS and BBC Orchestra. LABS is a fantastic (free) plugin filled with so many unique sounds – from pads, ambient noises, percussion, the best sounding soft piano, and more.

Additionally, you can get BBC Orchestra for free by making an account with Spitfire Audio and filling out a survey. This VST is filled with so many lush strings, horns, flutes.. an entire orchestra!
There are two main synths I wanted to mention, Serum and Vital. These are both wavetable synths and are very powerful, especially for sound creation. Some refer to Vital as the free Serum, whether this is true or not is up to you – but both are solid choices.
Xfer Serum
Serum is the go-to wavetable synthesizer for many producers. It can be used to make almost any sound you can think of. Droning ambient synths, crystal clear plucks, or even hard-hitting kicks, 808s, and snares!

If you’re into sound design and learning how to create your own sounds this may be the plugin for you. But, even if you’re not interested in creating your own sounds the community behind this plugin is massive and there are premade sounds everywhere!
Vital Audio
Vital is a fantastic (and free) wavetable synthesizer with a very clean layout. It is capable of creating lush pads, plucks, kicks, 808s, snares, etc!

Like Serum, it can create many different sounds, and comparing it to Serum basically comes down to personal taste as both have a learning curve when it comes to creating your own sounds.
Serum may have a larger community behind it, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one behind Vital either!
I recommend trying Vital and renting Serum through Splice to see which one you like more and if the cost of Serum is worth it to you.
BONUS: Splice
Splice isn’t actually a plugin, it is a subscription-based sample library application, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Splice is used for finding samples, sound effects, one-shots, vocals, etc.

Sample packs can be expensive to buy and you may only like a few sounds from them, Splice gives you a way to buy individual sounds from some of the largest sound packs out of there.
It’s a great resource and is worth checking out!
You’ll find a few (or all) of these plugins in almost every producer’s arsenal, these plugins are the staples in the industry!
- XLN Audio RC-20 Retro Color
- Knock (by Decap)
- Sonible Smart:Limit
- Oeksound Soothe 2
- Antares Autotune
- Cableguys HalfTime
- Sugar Bytes Effectrix
- Scalar 2
- Xfer Records OTT
- Omnisphere or Kontact
- Vital or Serum
- Bonus: Splice
You may notice that I did not include any reverbs, delays, EQs, etc. in the list. I feel these are more subjective (and native to almost every DAW) and deserve their own list.
While many of these plugins are not cheap, they provide excellent value are worth saving for (and look for sales throughout the year)!
Always remember, it’s not the plugin that makes the music producer, if you do not have the money to purchase these, don’t go into debt for them.